Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Thank goodness for my blog because yesterday my computer shut down and I lost all of my files. I have no idea what happened. All I know is when we got home our clocks were blinking like the lights had gone out. I lost all my pictures of the boys when they were babies. The only ones that I have left are the ones from my blog. :(

Oh and not to mention that I am at home sick with the flu!!!! What else could go wrong!


sandybiggs said...

Oh Laura! That happened to us when our hard drive crashed last year. We only lost a few months worth but still makes you sick! You need to ask Todd if he knows where they could have gone. He might know.

Kina said...

Laura, that is awful!! Did you lose them altogether or do you at least have hardcopies??? That is my fear is to lose my pictures!