Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lost Armadillo!

Elijah and I were coming home from dropping off Eric and Oh my goodness there was an Armadillo in the neighbors yard. Sorry that it's not a great picture of him but I only had my phone to take a pic. I left my camera at home. And also I was scared of it and didn't want to get off the car. Anyway I think the poor animal is lost. Or maybe he is blind and doesn't know where he is at! lol So this was my high light of the day! :)

>>>>>>Oh yeah and just to let you know, Elijah thinks he is cute and wanted to bring him home. What is he crazy! He thinks he's from Dora the Explorer!


Stacy said...

Oh my I would be afriad too there not very cute!

Kina said...

Dora the Explorer...Ha Ha! Armadillos remind me of Texas....maybe he was trying to find his way home and he knew you could help him.

Mandi said...

Wow, I've never seen one in the daytime!! Laughing out loud at Elijah... Dora the Explorer, that is too cute!!

sandybiggs said...

ha, ha...Dora the Explorer.
Can we call you that? ha.
Um, I think they are nocturnal, good thing you didn't get out of car, it might have attacked you!
Could you imagine explaining THAT to the ER staff???
All of your pics are so cute!