Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It's that time again... We picked our costumes out and of course they were some sort of action hero. At first I thought gee lets be something a little different but no the boys just wouldn't budge. So here we have Indy and Batman. I'm sure we will see a ton of these this Halloween!

And below are the pumpkins we painted. Every year the boys carve them but this year we thought we would just keep it simple. Besides mom and dad are the ones who always get their hands dirty...

Joshua's Pumpkin

Elijah's Pumpkin (Of course I helped a little bit)


Pambo said...

You have to love Batman - it's a classic! Tyler actually had a Batman costume when he was little - just ask Ashlee about that! Love your little pumpkins, and the painted ones, too!

Unknown said...

Great outfits. They look adorable!

Anonymous said...

AWWW... they are too cute! The pumpkins are adorable also! we are going to paint pumpkins as well this year, the insides are just so nasty!!! Very cute and if your guys aren't having a fall festival on Halloween you are always welcome to come to ours!!!!

twingrlsplus1 said...

Love the pumpkins, the girls r doin the same this year too. What great little super hero guys you have, too cute.

Stacy said...

Oh they look so cool! Love there outfits! The pumpkins are great too we like painting them better then carving even though I LOVE to pull out all the gut out of a pumpkin!

Mom's Club said...

those boys are too cute in their costumes!! Looks like they had fun with the pumpkins!!!

sandybiggs said...

Hey, your boys looked so cute in their costumes! I love the pumpkins too.
And I love the fall look on your blog...muy bonita!