Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sleep over!

Originally we had decided that Josh would have his birthday party at the skating rink, but at the last minute he decided that he wanted to have a sleep over. So I rushed all week long and tried to get things in order for the sleep over on Friday. I have to say that it was quite interesting to be with all these boys. I'm sure glad I had Jordan with me ;) We had so much fun playing hide and go seek in the dark with our flash lights. I think that was my favorite part of the night. The boys had such a hard time finding me or maybe I'm just that good at hiding. Here are a few pics from that night...

I love how Austin is wearing the Texas shirt and Cameron is wearing the OU shirt!

I was asking who saw the movie Horton Hears a Who. We saw it Friday morning with the school. It was such a good movie!

Josh's Best Friend SpencerWe were surprised at how focused Elijah was when he was painting. He sat there for about 30 minutes just painting away.

1 comment:

sandybiggs said...

I love the pic of the boys on the couch. You are such a brave woman, having all those crazy boys!
I am cracking up at the pic of them raising their son has not seen that movie, but yet his hand is up.