Friday, August 24, 2007


Okay well first of all I feel as though I have been gone forever and so needed to be home like yesterday..... For those of you who don't know I was in OK, City with my hubby. He was over there with work, and I just didn't feel like being by myself for two whole weeks. By the way thanks again for feeding my birds Sandy! Anyhow I have so much to catch up on. Well, I have been tagged by my friend Sandy to tell 7 little unknown facts about myself. I've been reading every ones and I think it's funny that some of us have alot of things in common. So here it goes...... {1} I am such a clean freak, it gets annoying at times and once we become really good friends you'll notice it because I'll clean things up at your house if it's too messy for me. (Thanks to my mom) {2} I have my favorite shows too! Watch out Sandy we share alot of them.... Y&R, Greys Anatomy-a must, HGTV pretty much all those makeover shows, The Hills, Americas Next Top Model, Dr. 90210, Dog the Bounty Hunter Oh and yeah I have watched that show Dirty Jobs..... It's pretty interesting! {3} I too have a close relationship with my sister. She is my best friend and can't imagine my life with out her. {4} Eric and I were high school sweet hearts. I was a sophomore and he was a senior. I can't believe we will be married for 7 years this year! {5} I get home sick alot and can't wait to be back in Texas with my family. {6} I moved 5 times last year..... long story! {7} I love to watch scary movies! Okay so there are some things you might not know about me .... I guess everyone has already been tagged so there's no need to tag anyone else!

1 comment:

Mom's Club said...

hey, glad to have you back...good to see you're not afraid to get tagged and share with us!! very interesting...i cannot stand scary movies...yikes!