Monday, July 7, 2008

Just because...

So this is what we bought for daddy. He's wanted one for quite some time now and well the only time he gets to play is at church. I'm sure most of you didn't know that he's been playing since he was nine years old. It amazes me how talented he is. I sure hope that the boys will get his talent and one-day play at church when they get older too:)

Here's Elijah rockin' out!


Pambo said...

Rock on, little man! My nephew, Andrew, plays drums and when he practices, woo boy! You really have to love the drums to have them in your house. I bet your hubby can play really well if he's been doing it since he was nine. I'm glad he has a cool set at home to play, that is, if he can peel Elijah away from them!

Ashlee Osborn said...

I love that second picture of Elijah...the drums look so huge, and he looks so little and cute! I didn't known Eric played the drums, that's cool!

Kina said...

You are brave Laura!! But I am glad Eric has his drums. AND I bet the kids love it!! BTW, Congrats on joining the mini van club. They are awesome.

Stacy said...

Oh that is so Awesome tell Eric I need lessons for Brice in a couple of years. I also wanted to learn to play the drums!
Cute pictures.