Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Okay these should be...

the last of our pictures from vacation! Finally I'm done uploading and I think I'll take a break for the rest of the week:)

Joshua holding a new kitten! No it's not ours, it belongs to his cousin. I don't think Eric would like a kitty around. He has really bad allergies!

My cuties

Elijah learning to ride a skateboard

My boys, My sister's two and my little brother who by the way is taller than me:(
This ones for you sis
Elijah and his Kia. Her name is actually Kelia but he couldn't say it so we just called her Kia the entire time we were there.
Look at this little cheater! Someone should call his mom and tell her.... Oh wait he belongs to me!
And yes another day of sun and water at my mom's house. My dad was watering the grass and the kids decided to get wet. There's Elijah in his undies again!


Pambo said...

Your kids are so cute and your sister is gorgeous.

sandybiggs said...

Love the undies pic, save that for when he starts bringing the girls home...ha.
Maybe the kitten would have helped keep the geese away??hmm...