Sunday, January 29, 2012


Goodness, I am horrible at this! It's almost going to be a year that I last posted. Shame on me right? I guess I figured I share everything on facebook that what's the need in me posting it on my blog. Sadly I should still make the effort to keep up with my blog...
A busy year its been for us. Sara had a slow start to the year but once august came around we started moving fast. She is making great progress every day. I couldn't be happier for her. Josh is adjusting to 5Th grade. It's been a tough few months with school work but he is getting better at it. It seems as though they are putting alot more pressure on kids in school nowadays. He is enjoying playing basketball for Upwards and is looking forward to running his first race with his running club at school. Elijah is doing an amazing job at school. He is making straight A's and really becoming such a reader. He loves to read ALL THE TIME! He will be playing spring soccer and is very excited about that. I really do love living so close to my family. Its definitely a blessing. I am currently trying to train for a half AGAIN. I say again because I had to stop a month ago due to a leg injury. I was bummed but I am hoping to get back on track and cross the finish line. I'm sure there will be more posts to come on that. As for now I will leave you with a few photos of my gorgeous family.

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