Saturday, January 9, 2010

2 + 1= 3

My three little cuties... And that is pen that Elijah has on his head. He thought it would be fun to write on his face. That silly boy!
They are such good helpers:) Josh loves to hold her and help with getting me the diapers when its time to change her. Elijah, not so much. He asks what is in the diaper first before he throws it in the trash.
I didn't realize how hard it is to get all three ready and fed. I'm hoping it will get a little easier. Maybe if my sweet princess would sleep a little more;)
She sleeps every two hours and every now and then she will sleep 4 hours. I know eventually it will get better. Right??


Pambo said...

Only two hours of sleep at a time is rough! Sure hope and will pray that that changes soon.

Anonymous said...

It does get better..just make sure you try and rest when she is sleeping...she is a beautiful baby!!!! U r blessed


Stacy said...

Awe sweet three their all so cute! Hope you get some more sleep soon. Praying for ya:)

Unknown said...

I totally know what it feels like to get up every two hours! :P It is hard! Especially when you have other two to deal with during the day! It will eventually get better!

Taylor and Jessica Hagan said...

What sweethearts! I'm so glad Josh is a good helper! I know you have more experience in the motherhood dept. than I do, but YES! it gets easier...

twingrlsplus1 said...

Love it!! Beautiful family Laura

Mom's Club said...

what a sweet picture! they look so proud of her...kayli asks what's in the diaper before she'll throw it away too...hudson doesn't care, he thinks every diaper has poop in it! siblings are so fun, and, I'll eventually get more sleep...