Monday, June 8, 2009

Seems like forever!

Well it seems as though I have a bit of catchin' up to do. I had been really sick with all day sickness that getting on the computer didn't sound good to me. I had a few bad days that all I wanted to do was lay in bed and sleep... I'm actually starting to feel much better and actually hungry for food. Which is great because I LOVE FOOD!

Today was my First doctor's appointment and it went very well. I am measuring 9wks and 6 days. We got to see the baby and it was so awesome knowing that everything was good. The boys thought the sono pics were kinda weird... Josh asked why the baby had such a big head. I thought that was pretty funny!

And now here are some pics of my crazy little boys. We decided to take out the slip N slide that Elijah got for his birthday. (Thanks Ella) They had so much fun!


Unknown said...

I am so glad that everything looks good with the baby!
The slip in slide looks fun. I am going to have to get one for the
4th of July PARTY!

Annie said...

YEA! I am so glad you got to hear your little baby's heartbeat! What a miracle!!!! I am so glad Elijah likes his slippin slide the kids got him for his birthday. I need to get Coop and Lily one, but then I would have to be out in this heat. :)

Mom's Club said...

yeah!!! that looks like sooooooo much fun!

glad everything is good with the little one! you know, noelle works for both a girl or a boys name! keep that in mind.

sandybiggs said...

That is funny...i thought Josh's made a weird face when you showed him the sono pic! haha!
I thought they were ADORABLE!