Saturday, June 30, 2007

Finally it stops raining

Mom are you taking a picture of me???? It finally stopped raining so I decided to take the boys out to the golf course and to the park. Josh & Elijah love to be outside. What kid doesn't right? Well we had a blast checking out the turtles and playing at the park.

We love to go out to the golf course and kinda just hang out. The pond is full of turtles and the boys like to watch them. Josh asked if we could bring one home, "Yeah I don't think that would be such a good idea"

Belly first mom! He is always going down on his belly. He makes the funniest faces. He looks a lot like his daddy!

Of course Joshua found the biggest rock there. He was so excited to show dad.

Elijah found two rocks and did not want to let them go. We ended up taking those rocks home with us that afternoon.

The boys were throwing rocks up and down the slide. Every time we go to the park they always do this. Sometimes the rocks come back and hit them. Watch out everybody!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like the boys were having fun outside. Now if only the rain would stop and stay away we could all start enjoying our summer!!